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Buccal Fat Removal in Atlanta, GA

From Chubby Cheeks to Chic

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Atlanta Buccal Fat Removal with Oculus Plastic Surgery

Most buccal fat pads are bigger when you are young and get smaller as you age. However, for some people, they stay larger into adulthood, giving them a "chubby" or "rounded" look.

Buccal fat removal, also called cheek reduction, is a popular cosmetic procedure at Oculus Plastic Surgery used to make your face look slimmer and more defined by reducing the look of overly rounded cheeks. If you don't like how full your cheeks look, Atlanta plastic surgeon Dr. Harvey "Chip" Cole, III, MD, FACS, can customize buccal fat removal to give you a slimmer, narrower lower face with results that look very natural.

For Fuller Face Shapes

What is Buccal Fat Removal?

Buccal fat reduction is intended to slim the cheeks, particularly in the hollows under the cheekbones. Having a naturally round and full face is associated with youth, but some people worry that theirs is excessively round or chubby looking.

To remove buccal fat, surgeons reduce the fat pad that forms naturally in the hollow of the cheek. Each patient has a unique buccal fat pad, and the pads on either side of their cheeks may be of various sizes. In general, people with thin, narrow faces are not candidates for buccal fat pad surgery since the procedure has the potential to accelerate the aging process and make the face look hollowed out.

Beauty is in the details.

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What are the benefits of Buccal Fat Removal?

Depending on your needs and goals, buccal fat removal can make your cheeks less full and give you a slimmer, V-shaped lower face.

In addition, this procedure can make high cheekbones look better and make the cheeks and jawline look more defined. The main goal is to have a face that is balanced all around. In addition to these cosmetic benefits, buccal fat removal can often be done in the doctor's office under local anesthesia. All incisions are made intraorally, through the inside of the mouth, so there are no visible scars.

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A New Approach

Your Buccal Fat Removal Consultation

Your buccal fat removal consultation will revolve around your aesthetic goals and Dr. Cole finding out what procedures and treatments will best help you get there in the safest and most effective way possible. Oculus Plastic Surgery aims to ensure that your cosmetic experience gives you results worth showing off. Schedule your consultation to see a new approach to plastic surgery.

Thin and Defined

Buccal Fat Removal Procedure

Medication is given to help you feel more at ease while you are having surgery done. Intravenous sedation and local anesthesia are both options. Atlanta buccal fat removal provider, Dr. Cole will advise you on the best course of action for your needs. An incision is made inside the mouth, on the inner part of the cheek, to remove fat deposits in the buccal area. Your oral incisions will be sutured shut. As a result of having fat removed from your buccal area, the hollow area of your cheek will be thinner and better defined.

Less Plump. More Wow.

Buccal Fat Removal Results

The full effects of your procedure may not be visible for a few months as your cheeks adjust to their new shape. Post-procedure swelling may also temporarily mask the final outcome. Once recovered from Buccal Fat Removal Atlanta patients you will have a more slender, sculpted facial appearance. These results are permanent.

Alluring Contours

Buccal Fat Removal Recovery and Aftercare

After removing the buccal fat pad, it typically takes the tissues inside the mouth between seven and ten days to recover. Consequently, a patient may be required to adhere to a diet consisting of either soft or semi-liquid foods for the first few days after surgery. Following a buccal lipectomy, you may be given a special mouth rinse to use. It is essential to follow instructions for cleaning the incision area to help lower the chance of infection.

Buccal Fat Removal Frequently Asked Questions

Liposuction is a way to take fat out of a layer right under the skin. Because the buccal fat pad is deeper than this layer, it is hard to get to with a liposuction cannula. This makes liposuction an ineffective way to get rid of buccal fat.

When done by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Cole, reducing fat in the cheeks is generally a relatively safe procedure. There is always a chance of getting an infection after surgery. Still, it is kept to a minimum by using an antibiotic rinse during the procedure and taking antibiotics by mouth afterward.

Schedule your consultation with Atlanta’s premier facial plastic surgeon

Learn what’s possible with some of the most advanced techniques in the field today. During your consultation, Dr. Cole will use his extensive knowledge and experience to recommend an optimally beneficial treatment plan tailored to you. At Oculus Plastic Surgery, our honest and patient-focused approach ensures that every patient can achieve their best outcome.

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