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Neck Lift in Atlanta, GA

Attractive And Youthful Appearance

Neck Lift Atlanta, GA Neck Lift Atlanta, GA

What is a neck lift?

When signs of aging make you feel less than confident, neck lift surgery can create a more attractive and youthful appearance in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Chip Cole and the cosmetic professionals at Oculus Plastic Surgery can tighten the muscles that extend from the lower neck up across the jawline.

The result is a more contoured look you love. Over time, muscles loosen and the area under the chin becomes lax. If this is the case, Atlanta neck lift provider, Dr. Cole may recommend neck liposuction and Platysmaplasty to address the under-chin area. Our experienced staff deeply understands facial anatomy and uses refined skills to create a natural appearance. Schedule a visit to learn if this popular solution might be right for you.

Candidates for neck lift

Who is a candidate for neck lift surgery?

Candidates for neck lift surgery have visibly loose skin in the lower face and neck region. Loose skin and underlying muscles are usually caused by factors like age and significant weight loss. No matter the reason, you may feel self-conscious about your appearance. If you are at a steady weight but feel challenged by signs of aging, surgery may be a suitable option. Dr. Cole can perform a health assessment and make sure you qualify for this procedure.

Achieve The Best Results

Neck Lift Atlanta, GA Neck Lift Atlanta, GA

What to expect during neck lift surgery.

Platysmaplasty is performed through a one-inch incision made just beneath the chin. The platysma muscle is tightened, like a corset, and reattached along the neckline. If liposuction is needed in the neck area, the fat is removed through the same incision. Platysmaplasty involves the neck area only. It does not include the jowls or anything above the jawline. To achieve the best beck lift results, a lower facelift can be performed with the Platysmaplasty to smooth the jowls.

Neck Lift Atlanta, GA

Individualized Recovery Plans

How long is recovery after neck lift surgery?

Recovery times vary based on the techniques chosen during a consultation, but most Atlanta neck lift patients are back to their normal routines within 2 to 3 weeks. Swelling, bruising, and some discomfort are a normal part of recovery and are alleviated by medications. Oculus Plastic Surgery can create an individualized recovery plan for each patient based on their needs. Patients are encouraged to listen to rest and take things slowly as they recover.

Age-defying Results

Get natural-looking results.

Neck lift surgery can help you attain a rejuvenated appearance with age-defying results. When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. Chip Cole, this procedure can help you look years younger and feel more confident. Get a consultation at Oculus Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, GA, to hear more about these treatments and learn about your options. We're dedicated to your success!

Neck Lift Frequently Asked Questions

There's a lot of discussion right now about deep plane and SMAS. Deep plane is a much better technique to free the ligaments and to gently contour and reset the facial and the neck tissues. 95% of plastic surgeons do SMAS surgery, but the more advanced surgeons and it's a more advanced technique do what's called deep plane, which is underneath the SMAS layer.

When people think about a neck lift, they usually think of it in terms of superficial or deep. Superficial is when you do liposuction and you might tighten the muscle a little bit. Deep plane is when you go under the muscle called the platysma muscle and you also contour the glands and the muscles under the neck. Most people that have changes in their neck primarily have changes to the deeper structures. So if you don't do a deep plane neck lift, you won't get a nice tight, youthful jawline.

Many people talk to me about age when they talk about a deep plane neck lift. And what's very interesting is the anatomy and the structure is more important than the age. There are many people that are young in their 30s that have a reduced chin and they have a bulky neck because of glands and muscles that need to be repaired. If a person gets older, gravity does not go to sleep at night when we do. And so some of the fatty tissues, the jowls and things will get into the neck. And so older people, of course, always benefit. But there's many young people that will never have a nice jawline and neck contour unless they have a deep plane neck lift.

The best candidates for a deep plane neck lift are people that have a bulky neck or they can feel little firm spots in their neck which are usually either a submandibular gland or a digastric muscle and neither one of those will be treated by liposuction or a superficial neck lift.

A deep plane neck lift is actually less uncomfortable than a superficial because it doesn't involve as many sensory nerves that are more superficial. It's the swelling and the trauma to the sensory nerves that causes the pain. And when you're contouring the deeper structures, you're not affecting those nerves as much.

Whenever you have a neck lift, there are certain risks involved. When you have a deep plane neck lift, it's very important to go to someone that has done hundreds of these and has a great deal of experience. You are closer to major vessels and major nerves by doing a deep plane neck lift. But the complication rate is not higher because most people doing a deep plane neck lift are much more experienced in head and neck anatomy and surgery.

The healing from a deep plane neck lift is very similar to a superficial approach. The drains are put into the deeper plane because if you have any swelling fluid, you want them to come out of these drains that are about the size of a McDonald's drinking straw, and that makes the healing actually faster. So at a week, you're about 85% healed. At two weeks, you're about 90% healed. So it heals very quickly in about one to two weeks.

One of the many advantages of a deep plane neck lift is that it lasts essentially forever. You're not only repairing the muscle layer, the main muscle layer called the platysma, but you're also contouring and repairing the deeper structures. And that's what leads to failure in the neck for a lot of people because they do a superficial neck procedure. As long as you do a deep plane and it's done correctly by somebody that has experience, it should be a permanent procedure.

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neck lift Videos

What is a DEEP PLANE NECK LIFT? Plastic Surgeon Answers

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Schedule your consultation with Atlanta’s premier facial plastic surgeon

Learn what’s possible with some of the most advanced techniques in the field today. During your consultation, Dr. Cole will use his extensive knowledge and experience to recommend an optimally beneficial treatment plan tailored to you. At Oculus Plastic Surgery, our honest and patient-focused approach ensures that every patient can achieve their best outcome.

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