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Deep Plane Facelift in Atlanta, GA

Nothing Plain About It

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Atlanta Deep Plane Facelift
with Oculus Plastic Surgery

Age-related changes to the face, such as sagging jowls, sunken cheeks, and wrinkles, can be distressing for those who wish they could turn back the hands of time and look like their younger selves again.

The answer to these worries is a deep plane facelift in Atlanta, which makes the skin tighter and more elastic and defines the features. The deep plane facelift is the most effective and dramatic of the different facelift techniques. This facelift makes the skin firmer, removes wrinkles, shapes the jawline, and makes your face look more youthful. At Oculus Plastic Surgery, Dr. Harvey "Chip" Cole, III, MD, FACS, uses his extensive experience and innovative skillset to provide invigorating and renewing results. Schedule a consultation today!

Gravity is the Enemy

What is a Deep Plane Facelift?

Many people don't realize that despite taking the best care of their skin, environmental elements such as gravity and pollution constantly damage your face, aging you. The "deep plane" refers to the tissue layer between the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) and the deeper facial expressive muscles.

Facial expression muscles are well-protected by a fascia layer, making them easy for a skilled surgeon to locate. The SMAS muscles and the skin and fat they are linked to are detached and repositioned during a deep plane facelift. With this method, the skin is not pulled upward. The SMAS is the only layer of the face that is lifted during a deep plane facelift, with the skin remaining in place. This guarantees a completely natural, never-tight appearance of the skin. It also frees up anchor points along the jawline and in the cheeks. As a result, the muscle layer may redrape itself quite smoothly, negating the need for any additional fat or filler.

More Than Skin Deep

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What are the benefits of a Deep Plane Facelift?

Atlanta deep plane facelift provider, Dr. Cole utilizes his innovative Inside/Out™ technique when performing a deep plane facelift.

By minimizing strain on the skin, which is what causes incisional scars to spread apart and become more noticeable, deeper layers of tissue can be released and directly suspended to a higher position. What little incisions are made in the skin can heal more quickly when strain is instead applied to the deeper layers, leaving no visible scars. In addition, the deep plane facelift provides a rejuvenation that lasts for a longer period of time, and the recovery time is relatively quick at only a couple of weeks.

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Skill and Artistry

Your Deep Plane Facelift Consultation

Dr. Chip Cole, a quadruple-board-certified plastic surgeon, is known for his skill and artistry in the field. His warm nature puts patients at ease, and they feel comfortable discussing their aesthetic goals with him. During your deep plane facelift consultation, Dr. Cole will examine your facial structure and medical history to ensure you have the most accurate options to give you the best results. Schedule your consultation today to learn about your options for a more beautiful you.

Deep Plane Facelift Videos

InsideOut™ (NO SCAR) Facelift by Dr. Chip Cole | American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

Endoscope Camera Facelift Surgery | Surgeon Reveals the Details You Need To Know!

Facelift Scars | Plastic Surgeon Reveals the Answers

Facelift Scars 101 | Plastic Surgeon Reveals

Beautiful from the Inside/Out

Your Deep Plane Facelift Procedure

A deep plane facelift typically takes around four hours to complete and is done in an outpatient surgical facility. Incisions are first made in discrete places using Dr. Cole's Inside/Out™ method, such as in the mouth, eyelid, and hairline.

After the deeper tissues are liberated, strong sutures are placed to join the slack lower cheek skin to the underlying, more rigid tissue surrounding the ear. Skin is tightened from the Inside/Out™ without any visible incisions, thus resulting in no scars, and the tissue is elevated and suspended in the opposite direction of gravity. Liposuction of the neck, reduction of the earlobes, and tissue grafts to the deep smile lines and the lips may all be a part of this operation, depending on the individual.

Rewind time fifteen years.

Deep Plane Facelift Results

The outcomes of a deep plane facelift can turn back the clock by around fifteen years. Following a deep plane facelift Atlanta patients will continue to age at the same rate as everyone else, but the effects will make them appear significantly younger than they would have otherwise. At that point, there may be some touch-up operations that you may elect to get, but you have a lot of time to determine whether or not you want to go through with them.


Deep Plane Facelift Recovery and Aftercare

Dr. Cole will have one of his nurses stay with you the first night to make sure you are comfortable and have superior care. Following surgery, patients require the assistance of a friend or family member to drive them home and remain there for the first 24 hours to help with daily tasks.

Dr. Cole will supply his patients with everything they need to recover at home, including bandages, painkillers, antibiotics, and medication to prevent nausea. Although swelling, bruising, and pain are inevitable after a deep plane facelift, the less invasive nature of the procedure compared to a traditional facelift may make the recovery process more tolerable for the patient. You can usually return to work after two weeks, covering any remaining discoloration with cosmetics. For the next three weeks, or as instructed by Dr. Cole, you should refrain from strenuous exercise.

Deep Plane Facelift Videos

Facelift Technique You MUST Know About in 2024

Is there a SCARLESS facelift? Plastic Surgeon Reveals

Facelift Scars | Location, Fading, Deep Plane & Best Age

What is an ENDOSCOPIC facelift? Plastic Surgeon Reveals

Deep Plane Facelift Frequently Asked Questions

Technically, there is not a scarless deep plane facelift because when we make an incision, if you look under a microscope, there is a scar. But when people say, is there a scarless facelift, what they really mean is there one that you can't see any scars. And the answer is yes. I do a scarless facelift I call the InsideOut™ Facelift, where a lot of the work is done through the mouth, behind the lower eyelid, and then through sites that allow me to get to certain areas through the hair. And I close those areas with a stitch or two. So you technically have a scar, but you can't see the scar. So in terms of, is there a scarless appearing facelift, the answer is yes. But technically, there is a scar.

An endoscopic facelift is basically a facelift that's done with smaller incisions so you have access to larger tissue areas. You have an endoscope which is a lighted camera in one hand and in your other hand you have a surgical instrument. Endoscopes have been used for years in facial surgery. I started using them around 1990-1991. We first did brow surgery, then we did cheek and mid-face and now we have advanced to doing even lower facelift and neck lift surgery through incisions in the mouth and inside the eyelids, so you don't have an external scar. The endoscope has many advantages, especially in the beginning when you're learning all the detailed anatomy. Later to be able to do a facelift, without having scars, with someone that has a lot of experience with an endoscope is a huge advantage for people.

Technically, you cannot have a deep plane facelift without a scar. But what most people mean by that is a disfiguring scar or a noticeable incision. So the answer is you can get a scarless facelift, but you're going to have hidden areas that were accessed. So for instance, I might make an access in the hair or behind the eyelids and insert an endoscope through the mouth. When those incisions heal, they will technically have a scar. But if you can't see them and you can put your hair up and you can get out of a swimming pool and you can wear earrings and do other things, you don't worry about people seeing any scars. That's what people consider a scarless facelift.

The best way to prevent unsightly scars when you have a deep plane facelift is to look at a lot of before and afters of the surgeon you're considering and make sure that he/she has not only an advanced technique but also the surgical skills to produce good scars. The other way to look at it is to do a technique that has no visible scars and that is a combination of endoscopic and intraoral where you have lots of access areas to get to the facial tissues but there are no external unsightly scars. So your ear looks normal, behind your ear looks normal, you can put your hair up. So the best way to have a good scar so to speak is to prevent it in the first place.

A minimal incision facelift is a term that usually refers to an incision in front of the ear and temple hair and behind the ear but not into the posterior hairline. So it's a slightly shorter incision than the traditional incision. A lot of times when a person makes a small incision, unless they're using advanced techniques to be able to go deep plane and through the mouth and behind the eyelids, they're not having access to the important structures that have to be recontoured. So I like to say with a mini lift, you get mini results.

Facelift scars are traditionally performed at the edge of the hairline, in front of the ear, behind the ear, and into the posterior hairline. So they're usually highly visible. If you put hidden access in the hair in different areas and you go through the mouth and you go behind the eyelids, those are all access points to do surgery on the face that is going to be truly scarless as far as appearance goes. Anytime you make an incision, there's technically a scar, but the real key is we don't want to see the scar. And if your surgeon uses a technique where you can see a scar, you want it to be the best scar it can be, and that depends on experience and lack of tightness and different treatment parameters that your surgeon can perform.

An endoscopic facelift lasts approximately 10 to 15 years for someone a little older, say 55 to 70, and it lasts 15 to 20 years if it's somebody on the younger end when they have it done, say 40 to 55. And the reason is the younger you have it done, the better it heals and the longer it lasts because your tissues are in better shape. And the endoscopic approach allows you to have larger areas to reset and anchor the tissues through a smaller incision that's hidden, as opposed to an open incision where you can't get to certain areas without there being a larger scar. So the tradeoff for most surgeons is they do a smaller incision to try to prevent scarring, but it affects how long that facelift will last. The InsideOut endoscopic facelift will actually last longer in experienced hands.

An endoscopic facelift is performed with a lighted telescope about the size of a large McDonald's straw and you have instruments in the other hand and that's called an endoscopic camera setup. It allows a surgeon to have smaller incisions with a larger view of the tissues. There is a steep learning curve because you have to learn the anatomy from the inside out so to speak because you're inside the tissues and you're not seeing the tissues from the outside. The endoscope allows a person that understands all that anatomy to do a lot of surgery that's very hidden so that's the advantage of the endoscopic approach. Unfortunately there's a learning curve and so it takes years to be very proficient and efficient at performing endoscopic surgery.

The recovery from an endoscopic facelift is less time than a traditional facelift because you're not disrupting a large vascular area and you're keeping the tissues intact. So if you go through a small incision with an endoscope and you're working on that tissue, but the skin is not disrupted, that's where the supply of blood comes from, the skin and the fatty layer that does not get disrupted with an endoscopic approach. So I tell people that the minimum to get back full steam ahead is about two weeks and I prefer for people to take three weeks for endoscopic facelift recovery.

When you think about having a deep plane facelift, you want to have a deep plane facelift that has natural results. You want to have no or very little scarring. You want to have minimal downtime and long-lasting results. And in my opinion, to get that combination, if you do it from the inside-out approach, you're going to have essentially no scars that are visible. You're going to have a relatively quick recovery. You're going to have a long-lasting result because I free all the attachment areas and recontour before it's reset. I think the best result, the longest lasting, most natural, is an inside-out approach using an endoscope and using areas to access the face that are not visible after you recover from surgery.

When we talk about scars, what we mean is it's something visible or kind of distorted. Technically, when you have an incision, you always have a scar. But if a tissue has tension on it, it's going to give a noticeable scar. So you can see facelift scars if you know where to look for them. The area that's the most distorted is right in front of the ear. And a lot of people know that if you look in front of the ear or in back of the ear or even at the temple hairline or posterior neck hairline, you might see a facelift scar.

Scars will improve over time, but the scar will always be present. It goes through some color changes. In the beginning, it's a little red because it has extra blood flow. And then it starts to fade out. And at the end, hopefully you'll have pigmentation that matches the other pigmentation. If there's a little faded area because of loss of pigmentation, it's going to be more noticeable. That's why if you can avoid a scar, it's always the best.

A traditional facelift involves an incision right by the sideburn area, in front of the ear, around the ear, and back in the hairline around the ear. I recently did a presentation where it's shown that that's about 70 centimeters. If you do a non-traditional facelift, what I call a no-scar technique, then you can hide incisions and it's only about 7 centimeters. So it highly depends on the type of facelift that you have as to where the scars are going to actually be.

After a deep plane facelift, the wound will go through predictable stages of wound healing. And whether you have a one inch incision or a 10 inch incision, you still go through the different stages of wound healing. The wound will be a little pink in the beginning, and then it will start to fade, and it will actually look its best at about a year. The reason that most doctors don't recommend any further enhancements or touch-ups or adjustments for at least six months is because of the scar maturation process. So everything does look better with time. If you have an unsightly scar, that's a different situation that could actually look worse over time. So the real key is a deep plane facelift that has either good scars or has hidden scars. Obviously, a hidden scar in the hairline or in the hair is always better than a visible scar.

The goal of an excellent facelift is to be able to put your hair up and wear it so you cannot see the scars. Unfortunately, with a traditional facelift, you have distortion of the earlobe and you have scars in front and behind your ears. So you want to try to find a surgeon that does an advanced approach where you can wear your hair up and not see any scars. That's not typical, but it is available.

A deep plane facelift is a facelift that goes right to where the attention is causing all the aging. It's like that old joke, I think it might have been Willie Sutton's, why do you rob banks? And he's like, well, that's where all the money is. It's the same thing with a deep plane facelift. Back around the ear is skin, but in the front of the face is where all the action is. So a deep plane facelift goes to the angle of the jaw and then dives under the deep area. The only challenge with it is you have to really know the advanced anatomy and have a lot of skill, because technically it's more difficult. If you look at the statistics, about 97 to 98 percent of facelifts done by surgeons in the U.S. is what's called a SMAS, S-M-A-S facelift, which is not a deep plane facelift. So a deep plane facelift gives the smoothest, best results. And the reason it does is the skin and the fatty layer underneath don't get separated. With the traditional facelift and a SMAS tightening, you separate the skin from the fatty layer. And so you disrupt that vascular plexus. So if you disrupt the vascular area, you're going to have more trouble healing. So deep plane is definitely the way to go. And that's what I would certainly do if I was operating on a family member.

A deep plane approach traditionally involves making an incision in front of the ear and going over in the skin area and then going deep into the facial tissues. With newer more advanced techniques, you can actually do all of that endoscopically and through an inside out approach, you can loosen the ligaments through the mouth area so that there's no scar and I can come in through the hair area where again there's no scar. So you literally have no scar in front of your ear and no scar in the back of your ear at the posterior hairline.

The most natural looking deep plane facelift is where you take your tissues that have changed primarily because of gravity and we put your own tissues back where they belong. To do that, we have to release some facial ligaments, then we have to re-contour the face, and then we have to anchor it and set it in place. So the best thing to do is to release the tissues, to re-contour, and to reset. And you want to do that with the least amount of incision sites. If you approach things from the inside out, you can do 85% of the work from the inside tissues so you do not have a scar. And in my opinion, that's the best way to do a deep plane facelift.

The facelift of today is not the facelift that your mom and your grandmother did. People are having it done younger and younger because we've been able to see with anatomy the younger that you have a procedure, the more natural it looks and the longer it lasts. It used to be facelifts lasted five, eight, maybe ten years. Now they can last 20 years, 25 years because people are doing it younger. It's kind of what we have termed prejuvenation instead of rejuvenation. Sometimes you don't wait and have this one big facelift and it's noticeable and we've all seen people where you kind of say, wow, do they look different and hopefully they look better, but a lot of times they only look different. If you have it done earlier, it looks more natural, it lasts longer. So I have people that are having facelifts routinely in their 40s and that's actually an ideal age to do it, 40s and 50s.

Schedule your consultation with Atlanta’s premier facial plastic surgeon

Learn what’s possible with some of the most advanced techniques in the field today. During your consultation, Dr. Cole will use his extensive knowledge and experience to recommend an optimally beneficial treatment plan tailored to you. At Oculus Plastic Surgery, our honest and patient-focused approach ensures that every patient can achieve their best outcome.

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