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Facial Fat Transfer in Atlanta, GA

Revive Your Glow

Facial Fat Transfer Atlanta, GA Facial Fat Transfer Atlanta, GA

Atlanta Facial Fat Transfer
with Oculus Plastic Surgery

Maintaining a youthful appearance can be an uphill struggle; the face may be the most challenging front. The structural proteins and subcutaneous fat that give you youthful, smooth skin and a full, healthy face gradually decrease as you age.

Because of this, you may develop premature wrinkles, sagging skin, fine lines, and hollow spots (especially in the eye and cheek areas). Thankfully, you can revive your youthful glow with innovative facial fat grafting. Dr. Harvey "Chip" Cole III, MD, FACS, of Atlanta, Georgia, stands behind facial fat grafting as one of the most effective anti-aging techniques. Schedule a consultation to discover how Oculus Plastic Surgery can transform your look and help you slim down simultaneously.

Plump and Full

What is a Facial Fat Transfer?

Facial fat transfer is a cosmetic procedure that uses a person's own body fat to restore volume and plump up sunken or sagging areas of the face. It is also called an “autologous” fat transfer, meaning one’s own tissues are used in the procedure.

The facial fat transfer process involves three steps. First, the patient has a light liposuction treatment to remove extra fat from the abdomen, jowls, thighs, or buttocks. Next, the collected fat is separated and cleaned. After the fat cells have been prepared, they are strategically injected into the areas of the face that need it most, restoring youthful tone, contours, and fullness.

Youthful Volume

Facial Fat Transfer Atlanta, GA Facial Fat Transfer Atlanta, GA

What are the benefits of Facial Fat Transfer?

Facial fat transfer helps eliminate signs of “wear and tear” on the face, such as smile and frown lines, marionette lines, wrinkles and furrows, and hollowed areas (like under the cheekbone or eyes). A facial fat transfer can also be used to treat lips that have lost their fullness and volume, as well as scars or depressions on the face caused by scars (i.e., acne). Anyone wishing to reverse loss of facial volume, wrinkles, or other signs of aging may be a good candidate for a facial fat transfer.

Facial Fat Transfer Atlanta, GA

Smooth Out Wrinkles

Your Facial Fat Transfer Consultation

At Oculus Plastic Surgery, you will get personalized care to fit your aesthetic needs. Atlanta facial fat transfer provider, Dr. Cole and his team offer meticulously planned and insightfully executed outcomes that help you feel your best. Your consultation is just the start of realizing your true beauty. Schedule yours today!

Contour in all the right places.

Your Facial Fat Transfer Procedure

We will discuss options for anesthesia and sedation before your procedure. Dr. Cole first utilizes liposuction to remove fat from another part of the body before transferring it to the face. Common problem areas patients ask to have addressed via fat removal include the stomach, back, and thighs. Once the fat has been extracted, Dr. Cole carefully injects it into the parts of the face where it will revitalize facial features, increase lost volume, and tighten lax skin.

Transfer. Transform.

Facial Fat Transfer Results

Following a facial fat transfer Atlanta patients can expect to see the full effects after around six months. After you fully recover from surgery, your skin will adjust to your new body shape. It takes the fat cells about six months to settle into their new environment in your body. The first two months of therapy are often the most transformative, but your results can continue to become more refined for up to six months.

Feel Renewed

Facial Fat Transfer Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery time after facial fat transfer is different for each person, but most people should plan to take at least seven to ten days off from work and other social activities. Even though the recovery time for fat transfer is relatively short, you should still give yourself enough time to heal properly. You should see the full effects of the surgery after about six months, though you will start noticing visible changes immediately.

Facial Fat Transfer Frequently Asked Questions

During the first week of your recovery, you should refrain from strenuous physical activity. Cardiovascular activity and weightlifting are both part of this. You can engage in light activities like walking, stretching, and gentle yoga as long as the pace or intensity doesn't create heavy breathing.

You should wait at least a week after surgery before taking a bath, but you will be able to shower after 48 hours. While you wait the recommended 48 hours before your next shower, dry shampoo can help your hair feel as though it were freshly washed. After one week, you can take a relaxing bath with lukewarm water, using a gentle soap.

Schedule your consultation with Atlanta’s premier facial plastic surgeon

Learn what’s possible with some of the most advanced techniques in the field today. During your consultation, Dr. Cole will use his extensive knowledge and experience to recommend an optimally beneficial treatment plan tailored to you. At Oculus Plastic Surgery, our honest and patient-focused approach ensures that every patient can achieve their best outcome.

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